About Us


The Michigan Health Policy Forum was established in 1986 by a bipartisan group of healthcare stakeholders from state government, health organizations, the community and academia. Michigan State University is proud to have served as the convener and administrator of the forum for its 30 year history. The purpose of the Forum is to provide policymakers and other key stakeholders with an opportunity to learn about and discuss health policy issues in an atmosphere free from partisan demands. The Forum is guided by an Advisory Board of health policy leaders who provide recommendations on the topics and speakers presented by the Forum.
At this point in history when the public discourse is sharply divided by partisan ideology and misinformation, it is imperative to create a setting where health policy issues can be discussed on their merit. The Michigan Health Policy Forum is intended to meet that imperative.

2024 Advisory Board



Laura Appel Portrait

Laura Appel

Michigan Health and Hospital Association


Phillip Bergquist 2

Phillip Bergquist

Michigan Primary Care Association


Amanda Day

Amanda Day

Public Sector Consultants


Joyce De Jong Portrait

Dr. Joyce deJong

MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine


Craig Donahue

Craig Donahue

Michigan Health Council


Erin Emerson Portrait

Erin Emerson

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services


Dr Marita Gilbert Headshot

Marita Gilbert

MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine


Norm Hess Portrait

Norm Hess

Michigan Association for Local Public Health


Eileen Kostanecki Portrait

Eileen Kostanecki

University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation



Lisa Lowery

Lisa Lowery

MSU College of Human Medicine


Tayo Moss

Tayo Moss

Michigan Health Endowment Fund


Kris Nicholoff Portrait

Kris Nicholoff

Michigan Osteopathic Association


Dominick Pallone Portrait

Dominick Pallone

Michigan Association of Health Plans


Ninah Sasy

Ninah Sasy

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services


Dave Schneider Portrait

Dave Schneider

MSU Institute for Health Policy


Peter Schonfeld Portrait

Dr. Ann Sheehan

MSU College of Nursing


Robert Sheehan Portrait

Robert Sheehan

Community Mental Health Association of Michigan


Leigh Small

Dr. Leigh Small

MSU College of Nursing


Aron Sousa Portrait

Dr. Aron Sousa

MSU College of Human Medicine


Monica Trevino Portrait

Monica Trevino

Michigan Public Health Institute


Amy Zaagman Portrait

Amy Zaagman

Michigan Council for Maternal and Child Health









